Illustrated Backgrounds in Web Design

Illustrated Backgrounds in Web Design
When creating a site it’s necessary to consider every detail: the navigation menu, color range of the future site, XHTML and CSS validation (clean code), optimization, security, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), usability and a lot of other minutiae. All these items are certainly important, but what could help you to draw attention to your web site, is the use of background images in your design. Large background images can create really stunning and awesome visual effects, especially if you have a high resolution monitor. Various pictures, photos, sketches, textures, patterns or other graphical elements can bring zest to your website. For your inspiration we would like to showcase some amazing examples of Illustrated Backgrounds in Web Design. Hope you’ll enjoy it! in Illustrated Backgrounds in Web Design in Illustrated Backgrounds in Web Design

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About Me

Ashok Rathod
I am an enthusiasts web designer who love creativity and enjoys experimenting with various techniques in web development. In my free time you'll find me exploring new web technologies, developing cool websites. You can follow me on twitter.